
See also: hémisphère


Alternative forms


From Latin hemisphaerium, from Ancient Greek ἡμισφαίριον (hēmisphaírion), from ἡμι- (hēmi-, half) + σφαῖρα (sphaîra, sphere); hemi- + sphere


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈhɛmɪsfɪə/
  • (US) enPR: hĕ'mĭsfîr, IPA(key): /ˈhɛmɪsfɪəɹ/
  • (file)


hemisphere (plural hemispheres)

  1. (astronomy, astrology) Half of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator [from 14th c.].
  2. (figuratively) A realm or domain of activity [1503].
  3. (geography) Half of the Earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere or Eastern Hemisphere, Land Hemisphere, Water Hemisphere etc. [1550s].
  4. (geometry) Any half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere. [1580s].
  5. (cartography) A map or projection of a celestial or terrestrial hemisphere [1706].
  6. (anatomy) Either of the two halves of the cerebrum. [1804].


  • (astronomy: half of the celestial sphere): celestial hemisphere
  • (geography: half of the terrestrial sphere): terrestrial hemisphere
  • (figuratively: a domain of thought or action): sphere
  • (geometry: half of a sphere): half-sphere, half sphere
  • (anatomy: either of the two lobes of the cerebellum): cerebral hemisphere
  • (cartography: a map showing a projection of a hemisphere): planisphere


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