



  1. curassow (four genera of birds in the family Cracidae)


Inflection of hokko (Kotus type 1/valo, kk-k gradation)
nominative hokko hokot
genitive hokon hokkojen
partitive hokkoa hokkoja
illative hokkoon hokkoihin
singular plural
nominative hokko hokot
accusative nom. hokko hokot
gen. hokon
genitive hokon hokkojen
partitive hokkoa hokkoja
inessive hokossa hokoissa
elative hokosta hokoista
illative hokkoon hokkoihin
adessive hokolla hokoilla
ablative hokolta hokoilta
allative hokolle hokoille
essive hokkona hokkoina
translative hokoksi hokoiksi
instructive hokoin
abessive hokotta hokoitta
comitative hokkoineen
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