Derived terms
Terms coined with or featuring the home- prefix
- Homean
- homearchon
- homeoarchy
- homeoblastic
- homeocephalic
- homeochlamydeous
- homeocrystalline
- homeodont
- homeogeneous
- homeogenesis
- homeograft
- homeografted
- homeografting
- homeograph
- homeoid
- homeoidal
- homeokinesis
- homeomeral
- homeomeria
- homeomerian
- homeomerianism
- homeomeric(al)
- homeomerious
- homeomerous
- homeomery
- homeomorph
- homeomorphic(ally)
- homeomorphism
- homeomorphous
- homeomorphy
- homeopath
- homeopathic(ally)
- homeopathicity
- homeopathism
- homeopathist
- homeopathy
- homeophone
- homeophony
- homeoplastic(ally)
- homeoplasty
- homeopolar
- homeoptoton
- homeosemant
- homeosis
- homeosmosis
- homeosmotic
- homeostasis
- homeostasy
- homeostat
- homeostatic(ally)
- homeotel
- homeoteleft
- homeoteleutic
- homeoteleuton
- homeotherm
- homeothermal
- homeothermic
- homeothermism
- homeothermy
- homeotic(ally)
- homeotopy
- homeotransplant
- homeotransplantability
- homeotransplantation
- homeotransplanted
- homeotype
- homeotypic(al)
- homeozoic
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