


hypno- + seduction


hypnoseduction (uncountable)

  1. seduction by means of hypnosis
    • 1999, "Richard Hopkins", hypnoeroticafe (on newsgroup alt.hypnosis)
      This is an adult channel, so please be over 18 years old. The theme of this channel is hypnoseduction, the style of sensual erotic hypnosis. But you dont[sic] have to be interested in the erotic aspect of hypnosis to visit.
    • 2004, "RayGordon", Gurus now admitting looks count (on newsgroup alt.seduction.fast)
      I teach women how to fake being under and then scream (attempted) RAPE. Funny as hell when they pull it off, and a great way to exploit the weakness in predatory "hypnoseduction."
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