i dtaobh



i dtaobh (plus genitive or possessive determiner, triggers no mutation)

  1. about
    • 2007, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, translated by Breandán Ó Doibhlin, An Prionsa Beag, Dublin: Read Ireland, →ISBN, p. 1:
      Nuair a bhí mé sé bliana d’aois, chonaic mé, uair amháin, pictiúr iontach i leabhar i dtaobh na foraise darbh ainm “Scéalta fíora.”
      Once when I was six years old, I saw a wonderful picture in a book about the forest called “True stories.”
    • 18 September 2012, Foinse, Deir Mitt Romney go bhfuil vótálaithe Obama ‘ag brath ar an rialtas’ i bhfíseán a sceitheadh
      Is cosúil go bhfuil Romney ag labhairt le grúpa deontóirí saibhre níos luaithe i mbliana san fhíseán agus é ag labhairt go hoscailte faoina straitéis le díriú ar an bpíosa beag den daonra nach bhfuil cinneadh déanta acu go fóill i dtaobh toghchán na Samhna ...
      Romney appears to be talking to a group of rich donors earlier this year in the video, and he’s talking openly about the strategy of targeting the small portion of the population who still haven’t made a decision about November’s election ...
    Synonym: faoi


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