



  1. (obsolete) although
    • 1861, Skandinaviske Naturforskeres Møde, Forhandlinger ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres Möde, page 395
      Dens Lugt nærmer sig dog mere Bengal- end Levantiner- Opiumets, ihvorvel den ikke er saa ubehagelig som hiins.
      However, its smell is closer to that of Bengalese opium than the Levanthine variety, although it is not as uncomfortable as that of the former.
    • 1811, Jens Møller, Theologisk bibliothek, page 339
      ... og Brevskriveren bemærker, at hvad heri fortælles, var i hans Omegn almindeligen bekjendt, og forekom ham høist troværdigt, ihvorvel han ikke selv havde hørt det.
      ... and the writer of the letter notes that what is told herein was, in his area, general knowledge, and seemed to him quite reliable, although he had not himself heard it.
    • 1840, Tidsskrift for udenlandsk theologisk litteratur, page 424
      ... ihvorvel heller ikke det vilde forklare, hvorfor atter en Trediedeel af Sangene, og det øjensynligt meest de sildigste, slet ingen Navne indeholdt.
      ... although that, too, would not explain why another third of the songs, and seemingly the latest one, contained no names whatsoever.


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