jack salmon



jack + salmon


jack salmon (plural jack salmons)

  1. Merluccius productus, a ray-finned fish found in the northeast Pacific Ocean.
  2. A Chinook salmon that returns to the fresh water one or two years early.
  3. (colloquial) Sander canadensis.
  4. (Midwestern US, colloquial) Sander vitreus.
    • 1967, Robert E. McLaughlin, The Heartland: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, N.Y.: Time Inc., OCLC 958883, page 16:
      A visitor may well be baffled by “pony keg” and “jack salmon,” but Cincinnatians know that the first is a store where beer may be purchased and the second is deep-fried pike.


  • (Merluccius productus): North Pacific hake, Pacific hake, Pacific whiting
  • (Sander canadensis): sauger
  • (Sander vitreus): walleye


  • Triplett, George V. (October 1919), “What is a Jack Salmon?”, in Outers' Recreation, volume 61, issue 4, page 293
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