


From kazillion + -aire, based on millionaire.


kazillionaire (plural kazillionaires)

  1. (humorous) Someone who is immensely wealthy.
    • 1998, Robert William Kirk, You Can Travel Free, page 87
      If you can't bear to get off the boat and want to sail all the time, you need to become a kazillionaire to have your own yacht and crew, or learn necessary navigational skills and earn a license.
    • 2006 December 23, Wallace Baine, “Time magazine delivers with Metaphor of the Year”, in Santa Cruz Sentinel:
      [Warren Buffett] The plainspoken Midwestern kazillionaire, supposedly the world's second richest man, announced this year that he was giving away up to 85 percent of his fortune to charity
    • 2006, Don Mangus, James L. Halperin and Gary Dowell (editor), Heritage Signature Auction #819: The MAD Auction Catalog, page 70:
      What would you do if you had millions of dollars just lying around, waiting to be foolishly spent? Buy a ride on a rocket ship! That's the story of American kazillionaire Greg Olsen...
    • 2011, Josh Axelrad, Repeat Until Rich
      The Papster, my stepmom, her sister Angela the psychoanalyst, and Angela's husband Eric the kazillionaire were strolling along the canal.
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