



  1. branch of a tree or shrub, dried and used to feed livestock during winter
  2. a quantity unit used of lampreys; a bunch of 30 lampreys + one used for tying the bunch together


Inflection of kerppu (Kotus type 1/valo, pp-p gradation)
nominative kerppu kerput
genitive kerpun kerppujen
partitive kerppua kerppuja
illative kerppuun kerppuihin
singular plural
nominative kerppu kerput
accusative nom. kerppu kerput
gen. kerpun
genitive kerpun kerppujen
partitive kerppua kerppuja
inessive kerpussa kerpuissa
elative kerpusta kerpuista
illative kerppuun kerppuihin
adessive kerpulla kerpuilla
ablative kerpulta kerpuilta
allative kerpulle kerpuille
essive kerppuna kerppuina
translative kerpuksi kerpuiksi
instructive kerpuin
abessive kerputta kerpuitta
comitative kerppuineen
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