


kis (small) + tompor (trochanter)


  • IPA(key): [ˈkiʃtompor]
  • Hyphenation: kis‧tom‧por


kistompor (plural kistomporok)

  1. (anatomy) lesser trochanter (a small eminence on the proximal femur, below the greater trochanter)


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative kistompor kistomporok
accusative kistomport kistomporokat
dative kistompornak kistomporoknak
instrumental kistomporral kistomporokkal
causal-final kistomporért kistomporokért
translative kistomporrá kistomporokká
terminative kistomporig kistomporokig
essive-formal kistomporként kistomporokként
inessive kistomporban kistomporokban
superessive kistomporon kistomporokon
adessive kistompornál kistomporoknál
illative kistomporba kistomporokba
sublative kistomporra kistomporokra
allative kistomporhoz kistomporokhoz
elative kistomporból kistomporokból
delative kistomporról kistomporokról
ablative kistomportól kistomporoktól
Possessive forms of kistompor
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. kistomporom kistomporaim
2nd person sing. kistomporod kistomporaid
3rd person sing. kistompora kistomporai
1st person plural kistomporunk kistomporaink
2nd person plural kistomporotok kistomporaitok
3rd person plural kistomporuk kistomporaik
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