
See also: Lepus


lepus (a hare)


Unknown; not an Indo-European word. Perhaps of Iberian or Celtiberian substrate origin and related to Massaliot λεβηρίς (lebērís).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈle.pus/, [ˈɫɛ.pʊs]
  • (file)


lepus m (genitive leporis); third declension

  1. a hare
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Metamorphoses 15.100:
      et lepus inpavidus mediīs errāvit in arvīs
      and hares wandered, unafraid, among the fields
    Sextus videt leporem.Sextus sees the hare.
  2. a poisonous sea fish colored like the hare
    • 23 CE – 79 CE, Pliny the Elder, Nātūrālis Historia 32.3:
      Nōn sunt minus mīra quae dē lepore marīnō trāduntur.
      No less wonderful, too, are the particulars which we find stated relative to the sea-hare.
  3. (astronomy) the constellation Lepus
    • Hyginus, Dē Astronomiā :
      Leporis autem hanc historiam memoriae prōdidērunt.
      The following story of the hare has been recorded.


Third declension.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative lepus leporēs
Genitive leporis leporum
Dative leporī leporibus
Accusative leporem leporēs
Ablative lepore leporibus
Vocative lepus leporēs

Coordinate terms

Derived terms





lepùs m (feminine lepì) stress pattern 4

  1. fastidious, spoilt
    Jis lepus ir visada galvoja tik apie save
    He is so fastidious and always thinking only about himself.
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