



  1. mahogany (tree and wood obtained from it)


Inflection of mahonki (Kotus type 5/risti, nk-ng gradation)
nominative mahonki mahongit
genitive mahongin mahonkien
partitive mahonkia mahonkeja
illative mahonkiin mahonkeihin
singular plural
nominative mahonki mahongit
accusative nom. mahonki mahongit
gen. mahongin
genitive mahongin mahonkien
partitive mahonkia mahonkeja
inessive mahongissa mahongeissa
elative mahongista mahongeista
illative mahonkiin mahonkeihin
adessive mahongilla mahongeilla
ablative mahongilta mahongeilta
allative mahongille mahongeille
essive mahonkina mahonkeina
translative mahongiksi mahongeiksi
instructive mahongein
abessive mahongitta mahongeitta
comitative mahonkeineen
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