From Malay meng-, Proto-Malayic *mAŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Chamic *maŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Sumbawan *maŋ-, from Proto-Sunda-Sulawesi *maŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *maŋ-, from Proto-Austronesian *maŋ-.
- IPA(key): /məŋ/
- Hyphenation: mêng
- agent focus, frequently but erroneously called "active voice", for AVO word order.
- mengatur (“to arrange; arranges; arranging”)
- membaca (“to read; reads; reading”)
- mencabut (“to remove; removes; removing”)
- menderma (“to donate; donates; donating”)
- mengelak (“to avoid; avoids; avoiding”)
- memahami (“to understand; understands; understanding”)
- memfitnah (“to lie; lies; lying (about someone)”)
- menggali (“to dig; digs; digging”)
- menghantar (“to deliver; delivers; delivering”)
- mengikat (“to tie; ties; tying”)
- menjolok (“to poke; pokes; poking”)
- mengira (“to count; counts; counting”)
- melamar (“to propose; proposes; proposing”)
- memakan (“to eat; eats; eating”)
- menyanyi (“to sing; sings; singing”)
- mengolah (“to edit; edits; editing”)
- memukul (“to hit; hits; hitting”)
- merawat (“to treat; treats; treating”)
- menyapu (“to sweep; sweep; sweeping”)
- menambah (“to add; adds; adding”)
- mengurus (“to manage; manages; managing”)
- mengebom (“to bomb; bombs; bombing”)
Derived terms
- me- (IPA(key): /mə/, before initials of /l/, /m/, /n/, /ɲ/ ⟨ny⟩, /ŋ/ ⟨ng⟩, /r/, /w/ and /y/.)
- mem- (IPA(key): /məm/, before initials of /b/, /p/ or /f/, except initial per-, will remove initial /p/, will sometimes remove initial /f/)
- men- (IPA(key): /mən/, before initials of /d/, and /t/, will remove initial /t/)
- men- (IPA(key): /məɲ/, before initials of /t͡ʃ/ ⟨c⟩, /d͡ʒ/ ⟨j⟩, /ʃ/ ⟨sy⟩, and /z/)
- meng- (IPA(key): /məŋ/, before initials of /g/, /h/, /k/ and vowels, will sometimes remove initial /k/)
- menge- (IPA(key): /məŋə/, before monosyllabic roots)
- meny- (IPA(key): /məɲ/, before initials of /s/, will remove initial /s/)
Further reading
- “meng-” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Daring, Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016.
From Proto-Malayic *mAŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Chamic *maŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Sumbawan *maŋ-, from Proto-Sunda-Sulawesi *maŋ-, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *maŋ-, from Proto-Austronesian *maŋ-.
- (before IPA(key): /l/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /ɲ/, /r/, /w/, /y/) IPA(key): /mə/
- (before IPA(key): /b/, /p/, /f/) IPA(key): /məm/
- (before IPA(key): /t͡ʃ/, /d/, /d͡ʒ/, /t/, /z/) IPA(key): /mən/
- (before IPA(key): /ɡ/, /h/, /k/, vowels) IPA(key): /məŋ/
- (before IPA(key): /s/) IPA(key): /məɲ/
- (before monosyllabic roots) IPA(key): /məŋə/
meng- (Jawi spelling مڠ-)
- agent focus, frequently but erroneously called "active voice", for AVO word order.
- mengatur (“to arrange; arranges; arranging”)
- membaca (“to read; reads; reading”)
- mencabut (“to remove; removes; removing”)
- menderma (“to donate; donates; donating”)
- mengelak (“to avoid; avoids; avoiding”)
- memahami (“to understand; understands; understanding”)
- memfitnah (“to lie; lies; lying (about someone)”)
- menggali (“to dig; digs; digging”)
- menghantar (“to deliver; delivers; delivering”)
- mengikat (“to tie; ties; tying”)
- menjolok (“to poke; pokes; poking”)
- mengira (“to count; counts; counting”)
- melamar (“to propose; proposes; proposing”)
- memakan (“to eat; eats; eating”)
- menyanyi (“to sing; sings; singing”)
- mengolah (“to edit; edits; editing”)
- memukul (“to hit; hits; hitting”)
- merawat (“to treat; treats; treating”)
- menyapu (“to sweep; sweep; sweeping”)
- menambah (“to add; adds; adding”)
- mengurus (“to manage; manages; managing”)
- mengebom (“to bomb; bombs; bombing”)
Usage notes
- (before l, m, n, ng, ny, r, w and y) meng- will be written as me-.
- (before b and f) meng- will be written as mem-.
- (before p and rarely f) meng- will be written as mem- and will require the removal of the first p or f.
- (before c, d, j and z) meng- will be written as men-.
- (before t) meng- will be written as men- and will require the removal of the first t.
- (before g and h) meng- remains written as meng-.
- (before k) meng- remains written as meng- and will require the removal of the first k.
- (before s) meng- will be written as meny- and will require the removal of the first s.
- (before monosyllabic roots) meng- will be written as menge-.
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