


From mitrs (humid, wet) + -ums.




mitrums m (1st declension)

  1. humidity (the amount of moisture (water or vapor) in some medium)
    gaisa mitrumsair humidity
    augsnes mitrumssoil humidity
    telpas mitrumsroom humidity
    dabiskais mitrumsnatural humidity
    nekaitīgais mitrumsharmless humidity
    mitruma avotsa source of humidity
    mitruma mērītājshumidity meter
    absolūtais mitrumsabsolute humidity (in gr/m³)
    relatīvais mitrumsrelative humidity (% of saturation pressure)
    zemes ražība ir atkarīga no mitruma pakāpesland productivity is dependant on the degree of (soil) humidity
  2. liquid, moisture (usually a small amount)
    priekšnamā abi atģērbjas, purinādami no virsdrēbēm lietus mitrumuin the hall, both people undressed, shaking from their (street) clothes the humidity, moisture of the rain
    mani ceļi kļūst slapji; pie pleciem sāk nākt mitrumsmy knees are becoming wet; on my shoulders some humidity, moisture, liquid begins to run



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