


From the transitive verb murtaa (to break).


murrettu (comparative murretumpi, superlative murretuin)

  1. broken (intentionally bent to the point of coming apart)
  2. broken (poorly spoken)

Usage notes

The words murtunut and murrettu are both translated as "broken" into English. The difference in Finnish is that with the term murtunut the emphasis is in the result, whereas with murrettu the emphasis is in the action that leads to breaking. It indicates that the breaking was intentional and not e.g. a result of the forces of nature.


Inflection of murrettu (Kotus type 1/valo, tt-t gradation)
nominative murrettu murretut
genitive murretun murrettujen
partitive murrettua murrettuja
illative murrettuun murrettuihin
singular plural
nominative murrettu murretut
accusative nom. murrettu murretut
gen. murretun
genitive murretun murrettujen
partitive murrettua murrettuja
inessive murretussa murretuissa
elative murretusta murretuista
illative murrettuun murrettuihin
adessive murretulla murretuilla
ablative murretulta murretuilta
allative murretulle murretuille
essive murrettuna murrettuina
translative murretuksi murretuiksi
instructive murretuin
abessive murretutta murretuitta
comitative murrettuine



  1. Past passive participle of murtaa.
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