
See also: non-Muslim



nonmuslim (plural nonmuslims)

  1. Alternative spelling of non-Muslim
    • 1993 Ilyess Bdira, Long reply to Anas/Hamaza/Ishaq Group: soc.culture.arabic
      About Mohammed Naeem Yassin's book, althought I read it 9 years ago, I still remember that it contradicts much of what you are saying about hating nonmuslims and being harsh to them even if they are not harming Muslims.
    • 2002 Pacifist, Re: On Iranian Jews Group: soc.culture.iranian
      Delusive and false, because the "Jizya" was not an additional tax for nonmuslims.
    • 2001 Harinam Acharya, Re: Muslims, Terrorism & Koran!!! . Islamic Terrorism Group: soc.culture.indian.marathi
      The cause of terrorism and ethnic cleansing against all nonmuslims is misunderstood by jehadi terrorists to be sanctioned in their sacred scripture Quran.
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