oltalmába vesz



oltalom (protection) + -a (possessive suffix) + -ba (case suffix) + vesz (to take), literally: "to take into one's protection".


  • IPA(key): [ˈoltɒlmaːbɒvɛs]


oltalmába vesz

  1. (transitive) to protect someone (to take someone under one's protection)


  • The inflected noun takes the appropriate possessive suffix according to the subject of the sentence: oltalmamba, oltalmadba, oltalmába, oltalmunkba, oltalmatokba, oltalmukba.
  • For the verb, see vesz.

Usage notes

The word order can change according to the sentence structure:

  • Oltalmamba vettem őket.I took them under my protection.
  • Vedd őket oltalmadba!Take them under your protection!
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