Syncopic form of onoranza.
- IPA(key): /onˈran.t͡sa/, [on̺ˈr̺än̪t̪͡s̪ä]
- Rhymes: -antsa
- Stress: onrànza
- Hyphenation: on‧ran‧za
onranza f (plural onranze)
- Syncopic form of onoranza
- 1321, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Inferno [The Divine Comedy: Hell] (paperback), 12th edition, Le Monnier, published 1994, Canto IV, lines 73–78, page 58:
- «O tu ch’onori scïenzïa e arte, ¶ questi chi son, c’hanno cotanta onranza, ¶ che dal modo de li altri li diparte?» ¶ E quelli a me: «L’onrata nominanza ¶ che di lor suona sù ne la tua vita, ¶ grazïa acquista in ciel che sì li avanza».
- "O thou who honorest every art and science, who may these be, which such great honor have, that from the fashion of the rest it parts them?" And he to me: "The honorable name, that sounds of them above there in thy life, wins grace in Heaven, that so advances them."
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