
ouriço (Erinaceus europaeus)

ouriço (2)

ouriço (Paracentrotus lividus)
From Old Portuguese ouriço, from Latin ēricius (“hedgehog”) (possibly through a Vulgar Latin form *auricius), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰḗr (“to bristle”).
Cognate with Galician ourizo, Asturian oriciu, Spanish erizo (Santander dialect orizo), Catalan eriçó (dialectal oriç), Occitan eriç, French hérisson (cf. also oursin), Italian riccio and Romanian arici.
ouriço m (plural ouriços)
- hedgehog
- O ouriço usa os seus espinhos para se proteger dos predadores.
- The hedgehog uses its quills to protect itself from predators.
- chestnut burr
- sea urchin
- Quando penetram a pele humana, os espinhos do ouriço infligem uma ferida dolorosa.
- Sea urchin's spines inflict a painful wound when they penetrate human skin.
- (hedgehog): ouriço-cacheiro
- (sea urchin): ouriço-do-mar
Related terms
Further reading
ouriço on the Portuguese Wikipedia.Wikipedia pt
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