


pikemmin (sooner) + -kin



  1. rather, preferably (expression of preference)
    En halua lisää konjakkia. Pikemminkin ottaisin kupin kahvia.
    I don't want more cognac. I would rather have a cup of coffee.
  2. rather, on the contrary (used to introduce a contradiction)
    Minun ei pitänytkään olla suosittu. Pikemminkin minun piti hoitaa homma.
    I wasn't supposed to be popular; rather, I was supposed to get the job done.
  3. rather, more precisely (introducing a qualification or clarification)
    En halunnut lähteä. Tai pikemminkin halusin, mutta en yksin.
    I didn't want to leave. Or rather I did, just not alone.‎
    Hän on luonteeltaan erilainen kuin minä, mutta se ei meitä haittaa, pikemminkin päinvastoin.
    He is different from me in terms of his nature, but it doesn't bother us, rather the contrary.


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