


From raksturīgs (characteristic) + -ums, with raksturīgs from raksturs (character) + -īgs.


raksturīgums m (1st declension)

  1. characteristicness (the state or quality of that which is characteristic, typical, has character)
    ziemeļu dabas characteristicnessthe characteristicness of northern nature
    lugas centrālais tēls ir Roze... tas ir viens no spilgtākajiem tēliem mūsu pēdējo gadu literatūrā... pārējie tēli raksturīguma, daudzpusīguma ziņā paliek krietni aiz Rozesthe central character of the play is Roze... it is one of the most prominent characters in our recent literature... the characteristicness/characterization and many-sidedness of the other characters remains far behind Roze's


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