



  1. plural of rooinek
    • 1955, South Africa. Parliament. Senate, Debates of the Senate:
      My hon. friend, Senator Botha, was appealing for a better understanding between the two European races in South Africa and he said it is time that we forgot speaking about Englishmen and "boere" and "rooinekke" and that sort of thing.




  1. plural of rooinek
    • 1902, Henri Sicco Oosterhagen & C. C. Eloff, Oorlogsdagboekie van H. S. Oosterhagen, Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing, published 1976:
      Ons het dan van die begin van die oorlog af gebid dat die vervloekte Rooinekke die land uitgesmyt mag word. En nou blyk dit dat die Rooinekke tog die baas gaan wees. Wel, dan is daar geen God nie, anders sou Hy ons gebede mos verhoor het!
      From the beginning of the war we prayed that the cursed rooinekke might be cast out of the land. And now it seems that the rooinekke will be the master after all. Well, then there is no God, otherwise he emphatically would have listened to our prayers!
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