


  • (file)



  1. everything, everyone, all, each of, every single one
    Är samtliga mobiltelefoner avstängda nu?
    Is every single mobile phone turned off now?

Usage notes

Is only used with respect to people or countable amounts of objects; it never refers to anything uncountable (which e.g. the English "all" may do).


  • allt (all of something uncountable; neuter gender)
  • all (all of something uncountable; common gender)
  • alla (all of something countable)
  • allesamman / allesammans (all of a group of people)
  • allihop / allihopa (all of a group of people or animals)
  • alltihop / alltihopa (all of a group of objects - never people - but may be used with respect to either countable or uncountable nouns)
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