


selv + afbrænding



  1. self-immolation
    • 2017, Niels Martinov, Ole Ernst, Lindhardt og Ringhof ISBN 9788711582855
      Stykket handlede om studenten Jan Palachs selvafbrænding i Prag som protest mod østbloklandenes besættelse af Tjekkoslovakiet i 1968.
      The piece was about the student Jan Palach's self-immolation in Prague in protest against East Bloc conquest of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
    • 2012, Tom Rob Smith, Agent 6, Lindhardt og Ringhof ISBN 9788711404799, page 328
      Da man frygtede yderligere gengældelsesaktioner efter det brutale offentlige optrin med Dost Mohammads selvafbrænding, var det russiske personel – inklusive rådgivere – blevet flyttet til sikre områder.
      As further retribution acts were feared after the brutal public scene with Dost Mohammad's self-immolation, the Russian personnel - advisors included - had been moved to safe areas.
    • 2008, Politipsykologi, Hans Reitzels Forlag ISBN 9788741251578, page 284
      Der vil i sådanne tilfælde være en øget risiko for at pådrage sig en traumatisk oplevelse, for eksempel hvis man er uforberedt på, at selvafbrænding bruges som protestform, ...
      There will in such cases be an elevated risk of getting a traumatic experience, for example if one is unprepared for self-immolation being used as a form of protest, ...


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