

Sportists Kaspars Dumbris


From sports (sports) + -ists. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from some other European language.


sportists m (1st declension, feminine form: sportiste)

  1. sportsman, athlete (a man systematically engaged in sports)
    pirmās klases sportiststop quality sportsman
    sportista veiklībua sportsman's agility
    ikviens sportists pirms cīņas saņem konkrētu uzdevumuevery player (lit. sportsman) before the competition (= game, match) takes on a concrete task
    ir liela atšķirība starp muskuļu piepūli sportā un pat vissmagākā fiziskā darbā... sportista piepūle ir lielākoties īslaicīga, bet ļoti intensīvathere is a big difference between effort in sports and the heaviest physical work... a sportsman's effort is mostly temporary, but very intense



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