


From stulbs (stupid) + -ums.


stulbums m (1st declension)

  1. (usually in the singular) stupidity (the quality of one who is stupid)
    pārāk bieza krīta kārta ir balsinātāja stulbuma apliecinājumstoo thick a layer of chalk is the proof of the whitewasher's stupidity
    kam draud citkārt labsirdīgais tukumnieku bataljona komandieris? debesīm, nāvei vai tiem, kuru stulbums dzinis nāvē viņa strēlniekusto whom is the otherwise benevolent batallion commander a threat? to heaven, to death, and to those whose stupidity drove his riflemen to death
  2. stupidity (thing, action, behavior that expresses stupidity or is typical of stupid people)
    “es nesaprotu”, viņš teica, “kas tas par stulbumu: likt vienu un to pašu plati divreiz”“I don't understand,” he said, “what kind of stupidity this is: to put the same record twice”
    droši vien ši prasme pazviegt par kreņķiem un stulbumiem palīdz saglabāt dzīvošanas priekuprobably this skill of laughing about worries and stupidities helps keep the joy of living



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