


Blend of symplectic + isomorphism.


symplectomorphism (plural symplectomorphisms)

  1. (mathematics) An isomorphism of a symplectic manifold; a diffeomorphism which preserves symplectic structure.
    • 1977, Alan Weinstein, Lectures on Symplectic Manifolds, American Mathematical Society, page 34,
      In prequantizing symplectomorphisms of the type T*g, the only special property which we used was the fact that they preserve canonical 1-forms.
    • 2001, A. Dzhamay, G. Wassermann (translators), V. I. Arnol'd, A. B. Givental' Symplectic Geometry, V. I. Arnol'd, S. P. Novikov (editors), Dynamical Systems IV: Symplectic Geometry and its Applications, Springer, 2nd Edition, page 39,
      Poincare's argument is based on the fact that the fixed points of a symplectomorphism of the annulus are precisely the critical points of the function , where , , true under the assumption that the Jacobian is different from zero.
    • 2008, Ana Cannas da Silva, Lectures on Symplectic Geometry, Springer, 2nd printing with corrections, page 63,
      The symplectomorphisms of a symplectic manifold form the group


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