
See also: tænicide


Alternative forms


Ancient Greek ταινία (tainía, band,ribbon) + -cida (killer), from caedere (kill); equivalent to + -cide.


taenicide (plural taenicides)

  1. A medicine that destroys tapeworms.
    • The Traditional Taenicides of Ethiopia, by Richard Pankhust, in the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, XXIV(3):323-334, 1969:
      The practice in Ethiopia of eating raw meat...has given rise...to a high incidence of taenia, or tapeworm. ... The commonest traditional taenicide was the blood-red flower of the kosso tree...
    • Cocoanut as a Taenicide, in the Saint Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 59, 1890:
      If we are not mistaken, this is one of the popular Russian remedies...It is not necessary to take cathartics, simply eating a whole cocoanut being sufficient.
    • An in vivo screening method for anthelmintic activity using Hymenolepis nana var fraterna in mice, by J. Crowley, in Parasitology, 51:339-345 Cambridge University Press, 1961:
      Results obtained with known taenicides and taenifuges are tabled, analysed and compared with their action against the tapeworms of larger animals including man.


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