(index ta)
- IPA(key): /ˈtɑlutːɑːˣ/, [ˈt̪ɑlut̪ːɑː(ʔ)]
- Hyphenation: ta‧lut‧taa
taluttaa (transitive)
- to lead (a child, dog etc.).
- to walk (to push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks)
- Suojatiellä polkupyörää tulee taluttaa.
- A bicycle must be walked over a crosswalk.
- to walk (to walk someone with a firm grip)
- Hän oli niin heikko, että hänet piti taluttaa autoon.
- He was so feeble that he had to be walked to the car.
Inflection of taluttaa (Kotus type 53/muistaa, tt-t gradation) | ||||||
indicative mood | ||||||
present tense | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | talutan | en taluta | 1st sing. | olen taluttanut | en ole taluttanut | |
2nd sing. | talutat | et taluta | 2nd sing. | olet taluttanut | et ole taluttanut | |
3rd sing. | taluttaa | ei taluta | 3rd sing. | on taluttanut | ei ole taluttanut | |
1st plur. | talutamme | emme taluta | 1st plur. | olemme taluttaneet | emme ole taluttaneet | |
2nd plur. | talutatte | ette taluta | 2nd plur. | olette taluttaneet | ette ole taluttaneet | |
3rd plur. | taluttavat | eivät taluta | 3rd plur. | ovat taluttaneet | eivät ole taluttaneet | |
passive | talutetaan | ei taluteta | passive | on talutettu | ei ole talutettu | |
past tense | pluperfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | talutin | en taluttanut | 1st sing. | olin taluttanut | en ollut taluttanut | |
2nd sing. | talutit | et taluttanut | 2nd sing. | olit taluttanut | et ollut taluttanut | |
3rd sing. | talutti | ei taluttanut | 3rd sing. | oli taluttanut | ei ollut taluttanut | |
1st plur. | talutimme | emme taluttaneet | 1st plur. | olimme taluttaneet | emme olleet taluttaneet | |
2nd plur. | talutitte | ette taluttaneet | 2nd plur. | olitte taluttaneet | ette olleet taluttaneet | |
3rd plur. | taluttivat | eivät taluttaneet | 3rd plur. | olivat taluttaneet | eivät olleet taluttaneet | |
passive | talutettiin | ei talutettu | passive | oli talutettu | ei ollut talutettu | |
conditional mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | taluttaisin | en taluttaisi | 1st sing. | olisin taluttanut | en olisi taluttanut | |
2nd sing. | taluttaisit | et taluttaisi | 2nd sing. | olisit taluttanut | et olisi taluttanut | |
3rd sing. | taluttaisi | ei taluttaisi | 3rd sing. | olisi taluttanut | ei olisi taluttanut | |
1st plur. | taluttaisimme | emme taluttaisi | 1st plur. | olisimme taluttaneet | emme olisi taluttaneet | |
2nd plur. | taluttaisitte | ette taluttaisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte taluttaneet | ette olisi taluttaneet | |
3rd plur. | taluttaisivat | eivät taluttaisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat taluttaneet | eivät olisi taluttaneet | |
passive | talutettaisiin | ei talutettaisi | passive | olisi talutettu | ei olisi talutettu | |
imperative mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | |
2nd sing. | taluta | älä taluta | 2nd sing. | ole taluttanut | älä ole taluttanut | |
3rd sing. | taluttakoon | älköön taluttako | 3rd sing. | olkoon taluttanut | älköön olko taluttanut | |
1st plur. | taluttakaamme | älkäämme taluttako | 1st plur. | olkaamme taluttaneet | älkäämme olko taluttaneet | |
2nd plur. | taluttakaa | älkää taluttako | 2nd plur. | olkaa taluttaneet | älkää olko taluttaneet | |
3rd plur. | taluttakoot | älkööt taluttako | 3rd plur. | olkoot taluttaneet | älkööt olko taluttaneet | |
passive | talutettakoon | älköön talutettako | passive | olkoon talutettu | älköön olko talutettu | |
potential mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | taluttanen | en taluttane | 1st sing. | lienen taluttanut | en liene taluttanut | |
2nd sing. | taluttanet | et taluttane | 2nd sing. | lienet taluttanut | et liene taluttanut | |
3rd sing. | taluttanee | ei taluttane | 3rd sing. | lienee taluttanut | ei liene taluttanut | |
1st plur. | taluttanemme | emme taluttane | 1st plur. | lienemme taluttaneet | emme liene taluttaneet | |
2nd plur. | taluttanette | ette taluttane | 2nd plur. | lienette taluttaneet | ette liene taluttaneet | |
3rd plur. | taluttanevat | eivät taluttane | 3rd plur. | lienevät taluttaneet | eivät liene taluttaneet | |
passive | talutettaneen | ei talutettane | passive | lienee talutettu | ei liene talutettu | |
Nominal forms | ||||||
infinitives | participles | |||||
active | passive | active | passive | |||
1st | taluttaa | present | taluttava | talutettava | ||
long 1st2 | taluttaakseen | past | taluttanut | talutettu | ||
2nd | inessive1 | taluttaessa | talutettaessa | agent1, 3 | taluttama | |
instructive | taluttaen | — | negative | taluttamaton | ||
3rd | inessive | taluttamassa | — | 1) Usually with a possessive suffix. 2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural. | ||
elative | taluttamasta | — | ||||
illative | taluttamaan | — | ||||
adessive | taluttamalla | — | ||||
abessive | taluttamatta | — | ||||
instructive | taluttaman | talutettaman | ||||
4th | nominative | taluttaminen | ||||
partitive | taluttamista | |||||
5th2 | taluttamaisillaan |
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