
Middle English


From Old English traht (text, passage: exposition, treatise, commentary) see below


traht (plural trahts)

  1. treatise, exposition, commentary
    • To þysen twam wifmannen awrat se ilca Jeronimus manigfealde tractbec, Early English Homilies, c1150
    • Ðis godspel is langsum & hæfð longne traht. Homilies in MS Bodley, c1175

Derived terms

  • trahtnen — to expound, comment on, explain
  • trahtnere, tractnere — An expositor, a commentator
  • trahtnunge — An exposition, an explication, a treatment.


  • Middle English Dictionary, tract

Old English


From trahtnian, trahtian (to treat, comment on, expound, consider), from Proto-Indo-European *derk- (to see, behold, observe, notice), cognate with Old High German trahta.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtrɑxt/


traht m (nominative plural trahtas)

  1. text, passage, exposition, treatise, commentary
    ... óððæt wé ðone traht oferrædan mágon ... until we can read over the passage


Derived terms

  • ātrahtnian — to treat, discuss
  • godspelltraht m. — gospel commentary
  • intrahtnung f. — interpretation
  • ofertrahtnian — to comment upon, expound
  • sealmtraht m. — exposition of psalms
  • trahtaþ m. — commentary
  • trahtbōc f. — (religious) treatise, commentary
  • trahtere, trahtnere m. — expounder, commentator, expositor
  • trahtnung, trahtung f. — explanation, exposition, commentary


  • 1916, John R. Clark, "A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary for the Use of Students", traht et al.
  • Bosworth, J. (2010, March 21). An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online (T. N. Toller & Others, Eds.), traht.
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