


trellis + work


trelliswork (countable and uncountable, plural trellisworks)

  1. A trellis or trellis-like structure.
    • 1820, William Hazlitt, “Mr. Farren—Inexpediency of Many Theatres” in A View of the English Stage, London: Robert Stodart, p. 190,
      [] the trellis-work of lace and ruffles []
    • 1870, Gabriel Dante Rossetti, “Dante at Verona” in Poems, London: F.S. Ellis, p. 96,
      Through leaves and trellis-work the sun
      Left the wine cool within the glass,—
      They feasting where no sun could pass:
    • 1932, Arthur G. Chater (translator), The Burning Bush (Den brændende busk) (1930) by Sigrid Undset, New York: Knopf, Book One, Chapter Five, p. 96,
      Paul strolled about the garden and watched the stars coming out above the intricate trellis-work of the apple-trees’ branches.
    • 2008 May 31, Nicolai Ouroussoff, “Looking Skyward in Lower Manhattan”, in New York Times:
      Wavy panels made of steel trelliswork hang from the entry’s ceiling; big squat columns frame views to a small public garden outside.
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