


troll + fic


trollfic (plural trollfics)

  1. (fandom slang) A work of fan fiction written to troll or annoy readers.
    • 2000 February 29, Phong Nguyen, “Re: [TrollFic] A day in Queenstown”, in alt.startrek.vs.starwars, Usenet:
      LOL, that was a funny trollfic :)
    • 2000 November 25, pam, “Shaggy Dog Stories Re: use your keywords people!!”, in, Usenet:
      But any more unlabeled Scully/Doggett stories that seem to have *only* been written for the <yawn> "shock" value <yawn> may find themselves joining the trollfics in the trash bin -- even though I normally save *everything*. ;-(
    • 2014 February 11, Adrian J. McClure, “Re: LNH: JUST ANOTHER MULTI-WRITER CASCADE THAT WILL PROBABLY NEVER HAVE AN ENDING #1.NOW (#4) part B”, in rec.arts.comics.creative, Usenet:
      Merissa's current persona is based on Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way of the legendary Harry Potter Mary Sue trollfic My Immortal.

See also

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