
See also: värv


Alternative forms

  • hvarf (obsolete since 1906)


Might be from Old Norse hvarf (circle).


  • IPA(key): /varv/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -arv


varv n

  1. turn, revolution, a full circle
    45 varv per minut
    45 revolutions per minute (rpm)
  2. (geology) layer, varve
  3. wharf, shipyard
    Har du hört att de ska flytta Götaverken? – Det går väl inte? Om man flyttar ett helt varv är man ju tillbaka där man började!
    Have you heard they are moving Götaverken (former large shipyard in Gothenburg)? – Can you do that? If you move a whole shipyard (a full circle), you are back where you started!


Declension of varv 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative varv varvet varv varven
Genitive varvs varvets varvs varvens
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