


Blend of vegetarian + aquarian or similar.


vegaquarian (plural vegaquarians)

  1. (rare) A vegetarian who eats fish.
    • 2008, Laura Solomon, Alternative Medicine, page 2:
      Three years previously, at her insistence, the whole family had turned pescatarian or vegaquarian; call it what you will, we ate only fish and veges.
    • 2011, Janet Bond Brill, Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods, 8 Weeks to Reverse Heart Disease:
      I urge you to become a “vegaquarian” and mend your broken heart by following the Prevent a Second Heart Attack plant/fish protein philosophy.
    • 2011, Charlotte Hilton Andersen, The Great Fitness Experiment: One Year of Trying Everything, page 135:
      I decided to continue to incorporate some meat, especially fish, into my diet on a semi-regular basis, thereby becoming what I describe as a “vegaquarian”—although all the cool kids are saying “flexitarian” these days.
    • 2014 November 1, Pure Slush, volume 11:
      She has various animals including a flockette of pet sheep that are thankful for her vegaquarian habits.


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