

FWOTD – 21 March 2017


From Latin versicolōrem, accusative form of versicolor (color-changing).


  • IPA(key): /ˈ, [ver̺s̪ikoˈl̺oːr̺e]
  • X-SAMPA: [versiko"lo:re]
  • Rhymes: -ore
  • Stress: versicolóre
  • Hyphenation: ver‧si‧co‧lo‧re


versicolore (masculine and feminine plural versicolori)

  1. (literary) Having different colors; versicoloured, varicoloured
    • c. 1900, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Francesca da Rimini, Act II, first scene:
      La vampa violenta e versicolore crepita in cima della picca ch'ella tiene in pugno come una fiaccola, senza paura.
      The violent and versicoloured flame crackles on top of the pike she holds like a torch, fearlessly.
    • 1944, Umberto Saba, “In treno [On the Train]”, in Ultime cose [Last Things]:
      [] il treno ¶ in fuga volge nella corsa folle ¶ qualche animale giovane e galline ¶ versicolori.
      [] the train, in its mad race, makes some young animals and varicoloured chickens run away.
    • 1966, Leonardo Sciascia, A ciascuno il suo [To Each His Own], Chapter I:
      Il postino posò prima sul banco, come al solito, il fascio versicolore delle stampe pubblicitarie.
      The mailman, as per usual, laid the versicoloured bundle of advertising prints on the desk first.
    • Synonyms: cangiante, iridato, multicolore, policromo, screziato, variopinto
    • Antonyms: monocolore, monocromatico, monocromo
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