

y- (3rd person object prefix) + -oo- (yi-progressive 3rd person subject prefix) + -ł- (classifier, causative) + -bąs (progressive stem of root -BĄ́Ą́Z, “to roll”).



  1. he/she is rolling it (a hoop, wheel, or something on wheels) along
  2. he/she is driving it (a wheeled vehicle) along

Usage notes

This is a progressive verb; it is conjugated only in the progressive mode.


Paradigm: Progressive (yi).

PROGRESSIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yisbąs yiilbąs deíníilbąąs
2nd person yíłbąs wołbąs deínółbąąs
3rd person yoołbąs deíłbąąs
4th person joołbąs dajíłbąąs

See also

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