insofar as



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Locution conjonctive

insofar as \ɪn.səʊˈfɑːrəz\

  1. Dans la mesure où.
    • We will pay you insofar as we are satisfied with your work.
      Nous vous payerons dans la mesure où nous serons satisfait de votre travail.
    • Insofar as it expresses an expansion in physical plant, it ought to make possible the production of more goods.  (G.S., "Can a Living Wage Be Paid?", Correspondence, The New Republic 31‎ (no. 392): 50, 7 juin 1922)
    • Hasidism, insofar as it was new—and not all of Hasidism was "new" in this sense—rejected the older hierarchies of celestial palaces, of Intelligences, of hypostases, of sefirot.  (David R. Blumenthal, Understanding Jewish Mysticism, Volume II, page 195, 1982)
    • Insofar as possible, the current edition of a publication is annotated in part 3.  (National Research Council (U.S.), National Science Education Standards‎, page 133, 1996)




  • Cet article utilise des informations de l’article du Wiktionnaire en anglais, sous licence CC-BY-SA-3.0 : insofar as.
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