


resounding \Prononciation ?\

  1. Retentissant.
    • But in the course of a career that had consisted solely of climaxes, each more powerful than the last, 1963 wa the year in which he made not only Les Carabiniers, his most resounding flop and most provocative movie, but also Le Mépris, the film that came closest to the prevailing models of the time, from both an aesthetic and industrial point of view.  (Sous la direction de Susan Hayward et Ginette Vincendeau, French Film: Texts and Contexts. Psychology Press, 2000. Chapitre 12 : Jacques Aumont, « The Fall of the Gods : Jean-Luc Godard. Le Mépris (1963) », page 174.)
    • With this resounding decision, the Supreme Court thus sent the Baelar case back to the trial court for a proper trial.  (Kathleen A. Lahey et Kevin Alderson, Same-Sex Marriage, partie I (« The Political and Legal Struggle for Marriage »), chapitre 4 (« Changing Social Realities: From Hawaii to Massachusetts and Beyond »), page 50. Insomniac Press, 2004.)
    • Antiwar forces did succeed in securing the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination for ‘peace candidate’ Senator Geirge McGovern, but McGovern list the general election by a margin of 60.7 to 37.5 per cent, a resounding defeat.  (Dale Whalton, The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam, page 73. Routledge, 2013.)

Forme de verbe

resounding \Prononciation ?\

  1. Participe présent du verbe to resound.


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