Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free

Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free est l'hymne national de la Zambie.

Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free
Hymne de Zambie

Version anglaise

Stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free,
Land of work and joy in unity,
Victors in the struggle for the right,
We have won freedom's fight.
All one, strong and free.

Africa is our own motherland,
Fashion'd with and blessed by God's good hand,
Let us all her people join as one,
Brothers under the sun.
All one, strong and free.

One land and one nation is our cry,
Dignity and peace 'neath Zambia's sky,
Like our noble eagle in its flight,
Zambia, praise to thee.
All one, strong and free.

(Sung After Third Verse Only)

Praise be to God.
Praise be, praise be, praise be,
Bless our great nation,
Zambia, Zambia, Zambia.
Free men we stand
Under the flag of our land.
Zambia, praise to thee!
All one, strong and free.

Liens externes

  • Portail de la Zambie
  • Portail de la musiquesection Chanson
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