Career Planning and Salary
Make a Career Plan
Staying motivated
Now that you have a clear plan for achieving career success, here are a few tips that can help keep you motivated and on task:
- Stay focused. Life can be distracting, so find a way to remind yourself of your goals on a daily or weekly basis. You can post encouraging notes on the refrigerator, say daily affirmations in the mirror, or set reminders on your mobile phone.
- Use technology. There are various websites and apps for your mobile phone that you can use to set goals and keep yourself on track. Some of our favorites include 43things, Lifetick, and GoalsOnTrack.
- Make yourself accountable. Tell friends and family members about your plan so they can help you by asking about your progress toward your goals.
- Keep a journal of your progress. Record the ups and downs you experience. Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings will help you overcome difficulties and realize how much you are actually accomplishing.
- Prioritize. Sometimes having many goals can be overwhelming. Decide which goals are most important and therefore should be accomplished first.
- Adjust your goals. If things are not working out the way you thought, don't give up. Simply reassess and adjust your plan as needed. Success is often a process of finding out what works and what doesn't.
- Reward yourself. Meeting a goal feels good and should be celebrated. Whether it is a small treat or a big party, rewarding yourself will boost your motivation.