Beginning Algebra

Beginning Algebra

Welcome to the Algebra2go beginning algebra resources page. Whether you are attending Saddleback College's beginning algebra class (math 251), taking a beginning algebra class at another school, or need to refresh your math skills for a business or science class, we have tools that can help you. At this time we can offer three types of study materials: class notes, video lectures, and video worksheets. Whichever materials you decide to use, we would appreciate your feedback. Please let Professor Perez know what you liked and didn't like about these materials by sending him an e-mail.

Video Lectures

Perhaps our most popular tools are the video lectures. Attend Professor Perez's lecture alongside his favorite student, Charlie. Each lecture focuses on a particular skill set which is vital for success in beginning algebra. The videos are available in three formats.

Windows Streaming Media: These are .wmv videos. If your computer doesn't already play this format, you can download the free Windows Media Player to watch them.

YouTube: These are flash videos. They are lower quality than the windows streaming media videos, but YouTube videos can be played on a wider range of platforms including the iPhone and Wii. Since YouTube limits the length of video clips, some of the videos have been split into multiple parts.

TeacherTube: These are flash videos similar to the YouTube versions, but TeacherTube videos are better quality and do not need to be split into multiple parts.

Video Worksheets

Every video is accompanied by a worksheet that mirrors the presentation so that you can work along with Charlie during the video. This kind of active learning process is a particularly good way to increase retention. The worksheets are saved in the .pdf format. If your computer doesn't already read these files, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Class Notes

Charlie isn't the best note-taker, but fortunately for him (and for us), his friend Candice is. She has loaned her comprehensive, hand-written notes on every lecture to Charlie and you can see them here. The notes are saved in the .pdf format. If your computer doesn't already read these files, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Prealgebra Review
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Fractions read read play   part 1 part 2 part 3
Pre-algebra Review Exam #1 Exam 1 part 1 part 2 part 1 part 2 part 3  
Pre-algebra Review Exam #2   Exam 2 part 1 part 2 part 3 part 1 part 2 part 3  
The Real Number System and Variables
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Exponents read        
Order of Operations read        
Inequalities read        
Variables, Expressions, and Equations read        
Classifying Real Numbers read        
Opposite and Absolute Value read        
Addition and Subtraction read        
Multiplication and Division read        
Properties of Real Numbers read        
Simplifying Expressions read        
    Combining Like Terms   read play    
Linear Equations in One Variable
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Solving Equations: Part I read read play play  
Solving Equations: Part II read read play play  
Solving Equations: Part III read read play play  
Applications: Integer Problems read        
Applications: Geometry Problems read        
Ratios and Proportions read        
Applications: Mixture Problems read read play    
Applications: Coin Problems read read play part 1 part 2  
Cumulative Review #1
Topics Practice
Practice Exam #1 Exam 1
Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Introduction to Linear Equations in Two Variables read        
Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables read read play play part 1 part 2
The Slope of a Line read read play play  
Equations of a Line read part 1 part 2 part 1 part 2 play play
Linear Inequalities read        
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing read        
Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution read        
Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination read read play play  
Applications: Coin and Mixture Problems part 1 part 2 read play play  
Applications: Distance read        
Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities read        
Cumulative Review #2
Topics Practice
Practice Exam #1 Exam 2
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Power and Product Rules for Exponents read        
Integer Exponents and the Quotient Rule read read play play part 1 part 2 part 3
    Scientific Notation: Part I   read play play play
    Scientific Notation: Part II   read play play play
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials read        
Multiplying Polynomials read read play play  
Special Products read        
Introduction to Factoring read read play play  
Factoring by Grouping read read play play part 1 part 2
Factoring Trinomials read read play play part 1 part 2
Special Factoring Rules read        
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring read        
Applied Quadratic equations: Geometry Problems read        
Applied Quadratic equations: Integer Problems read        
Cumulative Review #3
Topics Practice
Practice Exam #1 Exam 3
Rational Expressions
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Introduction to Rational Expressions read        
Simplifying Rational Expressions read read play play  
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions read        
Finding the LCD of Rational Expressions read        
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions read        
Simplifying Complex Fractions read read play play  
Solving Equations with Rational Expressions read read play play  
Extraneous Solutions: Rational Expressions read        
Applications: Work Problems read read play play play
Applications: Distance Problems read        
Variation read        
Cumulative Review #4
Topics Practice
Practice Exam #1 Exam 4
Radical Expressions
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
Evaluating Roots read        
Simplifying Radicals read part 1 part 2 part 1 part 2   part 1 part 2
Adding or Subtracting Radicals read        
Multiplying Radicals and Rationalizing Denominators part 1 part 2 part 3 part 1 part 2 part 1 part 2 part 1 part 2  
Solving Equations with Radicals part 1 part 2        
Extraneous Solutions: Radical Equations read        
Rational Exponents read        
Quadratic Expressions
Topics Lecture
Video Formats
WMV TeacherTube YouTube
The Square Root Property read        
Completing the Square read read play play  
The Quadratic Formula read        
Cumulative Review #5
Topics Practice
Practice Exam #1 Exam 5
©  2008 Larry Perez Development Team: Larry Perez, Candice Jhu, Patrick Quigley