A color, or shade of color.
Examples of hue in the following topics:
Basic Color Vocabulary
- Color is a way to interpret the visual appearance of an object; as an artistic element, it refers to hue, saturation, and value.
- As a fundamental artistic element, it refers to hue, saturation, and value.
- "Hue" can be defined as the degree to which a stimulus can be described as similar to or different than those described as red, blue, green and yellow, known as the "unique hues" or "pure colors".
- Usually, colors with the same hue are distinguished with adjectives that refer to their lightness or colorfulness, such as "light blue" or "vivid blue".
Unity and Variety
- Warm colors are the hues from red through yellow, browns and tans included.
- Cool colors, on the other hand, are the hues from blue green through blue violet, with most grays included.
- Near neutrals can be of any hue or lightness.
- In color theory, neutral colors are colors easily modified by adjacent more saturated colors and they appear to take on the hue complementary to the saturated color.
- Black and white have long been known to combine well with almost any other colors; black increases the apparent saturation or brightness of colors paired with it, and white shows off all hues to equal effect.
- Color is a fundamental artistic element which refers to the use of hue in art and design.
- Warm colors are the hues from red through yellow, browns and tans included.
- Cool colors, on the other hand, are the hues from blue green through blue violet, with most grays included.
Light and Value
- Value can be subdivided into tint (light hues) and shade (dark hues).
- Color pertains to the use of hue in artwork and design.
- Color is the quality of an object or substance with respect to the one reflected by it, and usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation and brightness of the reflected light.
Expressive and Symbolic Uses of Color
- Picasso's painting "La Mort de Casagemas", completed early in the year following his friend's suicide, was done in hot, bright hues.
- He moved towards subject matter such as the poor and the outcast of society, and emphasized a cool, anguished mood using blue hues as an expressive and symbolic tool in his works .
Color Schemes
- Color is a fundamental element and refers to the use of hue in art and design.
Contemporary Indian Art
- Jayasri Burman works primarily in watercolor, using rich, strong hues and bold themes to portray female figures or mythic elements, such as hybrid animals with human heads.
The Drawing Process
- It can vary in texture, hue, acidity, and strength when wet.
Rinpa School Painting in the Edo Period
- Kōrin's innovation was to depict nature as an abstract, using numerous color and hue gradations, mixing colors on the surface to achieve eccentric effects, and liberally using precious substances like gold and pearl.