A person involved in the raising of livestock.
A person whose primary occupation is the raising of livestock.
Examples of pastoralist in the following topics:
Rock Art in the Sahara
- It harbors one of the richest concentrations of prehistoric rock art in the entire Sahara, mainly of the Neolithic cattle pastoralist cultures, but also a number of older paintings from hunter-gatherer societies.
- One petroglyph in Mauritania depicts pastoralists on horseback as they tend their livestock.
- Neolithic cave painting of either hunters or pastoralists during the Neolithic Subpluvial period.
- The Samburu are semi-nomadic pastoralists who herd mainly cattle but also keep sheep, goats and camels.
Buddhist Wall Paintings
- In the year 480 CE, the Huns—nomadic-pastoralist warriors from the Eurasian steppe—launched an invasion of India, and by the year 500 CE, they had overrun the Gupta Empire.
The Mesopotamian Cultures
- Here, three separate cultures fused—the peasant Ubaidian farmers, the nomadic Semitic-speaking pastoralists (farmers who raise livestock), and fisher folk.
Gupta and Post-Gupta
- By the middle of the 5th century a new enemy to the empire had appeared, nomadic-pastoralist warriors from the Eurasian steppe.
Architecture of Great Zimbabwe
- Most were cattle pastoralists, but the discovery of gold and new mining techniques contributed to a rise in trade with caravan merchants to the north.
The Romans
- According to archaeological remains, the Latins were primarily farmers and pastoralists.