Examples of graded membership in the following topics:
- Prototype theory is not binary; instead it uses graded membership.
- There are different levels of membership in the category DOG, and those levels are on a hierarchy.
- Grading is an important part of teaching.
- And grades help teachers, too.
- Some kinds of assessments are relatively easy to grade.
- In these cases of grading papers it is imperative, both as a matter of equity and efficiency, for teachers to develop grading rubrics.
- Grading rubrics can be shared with students.
- The following is a graphic representation of all the types of numbers that are existent in the K-12 curriculum grade-band.
- Is this a change from the the first two grades?
- How does this relate to the operations that students are learning in 2nd Grade?
- Here is a sample realization chart for number through 2nd Grade:
- Do we add any new numbers in 2nd Grade?
- Mining Down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for operations on number sets would be for a 3rd grader compared to the realizations possible from the first three grades?
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 3rd Grade curriculum relevant to operations:
- What types of operations are expected of the 3rd Grade curriculum?
- How does this relate to the numbers that students are learning in 3rd Grade?
- What number sets are we operating on in the elementary curriculum up to and including 3rd grade?
- Mining Down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for operations on number sets would be for a 5th grader compared to the realization possible from the first 5 grades.
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 5th Grade curriculum relevant to operations:
- What types of operations are expected of the 5th Grade curriculum?
- How does this relate to the numbers that students are learning in 5th Grade?
- What number sets are we operating on in the elementary curriculum up to and including 5th grade?
- The following is an itemized list of questions that will help you build the landscape for the Kindergarten through second grade curriculum of number:
- What types of numbers are expected of the 2nd grade curriculum?
- Is there an operation that provokes the introduction of these numbers that is also in the curriculum of 2nd grade?
- The following is an itemized list of questions that will help you build the landscape for the Kindergarten through 1st grade curriculum of number:
- What types of numbers are expected of the 1st grade curriculum?
- Is there an operation that provokes the introduction of these numbers that is also in the curriculum of 1st grade?
- The following is a graphic representation of all the types of numbers that are existent in the K-12 curriculum grade-band.
- What types of numbers are expected of the 4th Grade curriculum?
- Is this a change from the the first four grades?
- How does this relate to the operations that students are learning in 4th Grade?
- In 4th grade we do a lot with rational numbers.
- The following is a graphic representation of all the types of numbers that are existent in the K-12 curriculum grade-band.
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 3rd Grade curriculum relevant to number:
- Is this a change from the the first three grades?
- How does this relate to the operations that students are learning in 3rd Grade?
- Do we introduce a new set of numbers in 3rd grade?
- The following is a graphic representation of all the types of numbers that are existent in the K-12 curriculum grade-band.
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 1st Grade curriculum relevant to number:
- How does this relate to the operations that students are learning in 1st Grade?