To acquire as an actual possession; to obtain as the result of plans and efforts; to gain; to get.
Examples of realize in the following topics:
Types of Operations: Evolving from K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade
- Mining Down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for operations on number sets would be for a 4th grader compared to the realization possible from the first four grades?
- What could you add to this realization chart to further build it out?
- What could you add to this realization chart to further build it out?
- What could you add to this realization chart to further build it out?
- What could you add to this realization chart to further build it out?
Realizing a Figured Bass in Strict Basso Continuo Style (Video)
- The following video demonstrates the realization of a figured bass line in strict basso continuo style.
Realizing a Figured Bass Line in Melodic Keyboard Style (Video)
Realizing an Unfigured Bass Line (Video)
- To realize an unfigured bass, first determine the harmonic functions projected by the scale-degree progression in the bass.
- Lastly, realize the resulting figured bass according to the usual procedures.
- Keep in mind that once you have determined the functional progression, you may change the specific figures to smooth out the voice leading in the final realization.
Operations of the Elementary Curriculum
- Creating a realization for operation with the tools available to a kindergartner.
- When formulating a realization for a concept like operation, it is important to understand that your definition of a concept should evolve with the context.
- The goal of the first realization exercise of this concept study is to get a realization for what operation is to a kindergartner based upon the curriculum that we are tasked with teaching this aged student.
- Keep in mind the following as you develop your own realization of operation and then build out the 6 different grade band levels of that realization:
- Remember there are no wrong realizations, but they can always become better.
Types of Operations: Evolving from K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
- Mining Down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for operations on number sets would be for a 3rd grader compared to the realizations possible from the first three grades?
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 3rd Grade curriculum relevant to operations:
- Do the same operation images, analogies, and metaphors still apply from your previous realizations?
Types of Operations: Evolving operations through the K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade
- Mining Down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for operations on number sets would be for a 5th grader compared to the realization possible from the first 5 grades.
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 5th Grade curriculum relevant to operations:
- Do the same operation images, analogies, and metaphors still apply from your previous realizations?
Systems of Numbers: Evolving from K, 1st to Second Grade
- Mining down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for number would be for a 2nd grader?
- The following is an list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 2nd Grade curriculum relevant to number:
- Here is a sample realization chart for number through 2nd Grade:
- Remember, realization charts are not meant to be correct, adequate, or wrong.
Systems of Numbers: Evolving from K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd to Fourth Grade
- Mining down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for number would be for a 4th grader compared to the realizations for number of the first four grades?
- The following is a list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the 4th Grade curriculum relevant to number:
Systems of Numbers: Evolving from K through 5th Grade
- Mining down: How can we utilize the standards to create what a realization for number would be for a 5th grader compared to the realizations for number of the first five grades?
- The following is a list of questions that will help you build your evolving realization for the entire elementary curriculum:
- The goal now is to build out your full realization for the concept of number.
- This task is assessing your ability to look at your landscape and create a realization for number and how it evolves in the elementary curriculum.