Examples of area in the following topics:
- Critical Issue: Working Toward Student Self-Direction and Personal Efficacy as Educational Goals: Collection of many resources (including video clips) on how to enhance student self-efficacy (http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/learning/lr200.htm).
- In rural areas with limited resources, both human and technological, this can be difficult to accomplish.
- The following is a helpful list of questions that area designed to empower you to build the landscape for the Kindergarten through the third grade curriculum of operations:
- The following is a helpful list of questions that area designed to empower you to build the landscape for the Kindergarten through the third grade curriculum of operations:
- The following is a helpful list of questions that area designed to empower you to build the landscape for the Kindergarten through the third grade curriculum of operations:
- The following is a helpful list of questions that area designed to empower you to build the landscape for the Kindergarten through the third grade curriculum of operations:
- As can be seen in the animation above, the ZPD is the area between the things that a learner can do on her own and the things that she cannot yet do, even with assistance.As we learn, this zone shifts to the right because we are able to do more and more things on our own.A key concept here is that the learner does the "whole" task with support as opposed to breaking tasks down into component skills to be learned in isolation.
- The window on the left represents an area on the bar that 'needs little support. ' The bar divisions are a yellow color to light orange color in this pane of the window.
- The window on the right represents an area on the bar that 'needs much support. ' The bar divisions are a dark orange color to red color in this pane of the window.