Every Boundless content module follows a three-part structure: a learning objective, a concept (the supporting text), and assessment items. The assessment items are designed to test whether a student has achieved the learning objective for a given concept.
Bloom's Levels
All questions in Boundless content are tagged with a Bloom's level, which is a number representing a tier of Bloom's Taxonomy. These tiers, numbered from one to six, describe increasing levels of conceptual depth for a learning objective.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Learning in Action
The Bloom's levels: 1. Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation
A given learning objective may have assessment items at the Bloom's level associated with it as well as at levels below it (e.g., a learning objective at Bloom's level 3 might have associated assessment items at levels 1, 2, and 3). A learning objective, and its Bloom's level, is assumed to have been mastered once the student has correctly answered the associated assessment items.
Assessment Banks
Boundless is in the process of building out comprehensive assessment banks for all our subjects. Educators teaching a class using Boundless will be able to use the questions in these banks for both formative and summative assessment purposes.
A fully built-out assessment bank for a given Boundless subject will include assessment items for every learning objective in the subject. Assessment items for a given learning objective will be at the same Bloom's level as the learning objective as well as at every level below it. This allows for remediation of incorrect answers by breaking a conceptually more complex question down into simpler components.
Question Formats
Multiple formats of assessment items are available in Boundless content. These include multiple-choice questions (both single-response and multiple-response), drag-and-drop questions, and questions that require interaction with an image.