Examples of confidentiality in the following topics:
- Sociologists should take all necessary steps to protect the privacy and confidentiality of their subjects.
- In any sociological research conducted on human subjects, the sociologists should take all the steps necessary to protect the privacy and confidentiality of their subjects.
- The types of information that should be kept confidential can range from something as relatively mundane and innocuous as a person's name (pseudonyms are often employed in both interview transcripts and published research) or income, to more significant details (depending on the participant's social and political contexts), such as religious or political affiliation.
- Following ethical guidelines, researchers keep individual details confidential for decades.
- Confidentiality and anonymity are two additional practices that ensure the safety of participants when sensitive information is provided (e.g., sexuality, income, etc.).
- We collected our data about friendship ties by asking each member of the group (privately and confidentially) who they regarded as "close friends" from a list containing each of the other members of the group.