Examples of pendentive in the following topics:
- The cupola is carried on four spherical triangular pendentives, an element which was first fully realized in this building.
- The pendentives implement the transition from the circular base of the dome to the rectangular base below, restraining the lateral forces of the dome and allow its weight to flow downwards.
- It has a large central dome that rests on a series of pendentives.
- The Katholikon is also a Greek cross-plan style church but instead of the dome resting on pendentives, the dome of the Katholikon rests on squinches, which create an octagonal transition between the square plan of the church and the circular plan of the dome.
- The difference in style between the pendentives and the squinches allow for different relationships between the architecture and the decoration and different play of light and darkness in the shapes the squinches provided.
- Archaeologists and historians have determined that for many societies, the elite held a great deal of wealth in the form of elaborate pottery, sculptures, beads, jewelry, and pendents made of copper, gold, bronze, ivory, and other revered materials.
- Twelve men and women who prophesied the coming of the Jesus are painted on the pendentives supporting the ceiling.