Examples of chairperson in the following topics:
- A U.S. president with Senate approval appoints the members and appoints the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the board.
- Chairperson and vice-chairperson serve a four-year term.
- President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York City is a permanent member of the FOMC and is always the FOMC vice-chairperson because New York City is the financial center of the United States.
- Chairperson of the Board of Governors is also chairperson of the FOMC.
- Current chairperson is Janet Yellen, and many consider her the second most power person in the United States after the U.S.
- The committee wishes to choose a chairperson and a recorder.
- What is the probability that the chairperson and recorder are both students?
- The first name drawn determines the chairperson and the second name the recorder.
- The structure of the committee consists, essentially, of the Chairperson, their staff, and other Democratic members of Congress that serve in roles supporting the functions of the committee.
- The Chairperson of the DCCC is the fourth ranking position among House Democrats, after the Minority Leader, the Minority Whip and the Democratic Caucus Chairperson.
- Explain why the chairperson of the Board of Governors is such a powerful person.
- National consists of the quadrennial national convention, the party's national chairpersons, and the party's national committee.
- Chairpersons are usually selected by the president of the party in power and the party national committee chooses the chairperson for the other party.
- It is common for a chairperson to organize a committee meeting through an agenda, which is usually distributed in advance.
- The chairperson is responsible for running meetings, keeping the discussion on the appropriate subject, recognizing members so that they can speak (though this is often omitted in smaller committees), and calling for votes after a debate has taken place.
- (Formal voting is normally only done in committees involved in governance. ) Governance committees often have formal processes; other types of committees typically operate informally, with the chairperson being responsible for deciding how formal the committee processes will be.
- For example, the words fireman, stewardess, and, arguably, chairman, are gender specific; the corresponding gender neutral terms are firefighter, flight attendant and chairperson (or chair).
- Paul Volcker, former Chairperson of the President Carter's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
- Anu Aga, ex-chairperson of Thermax Limited, once said, "We survive by breathing but we can't say we live to breathe.